AOS Stories

AOS Stories: 6
Get Involved with AOS

Get Involved with AOS

Get Involved with the AOS Applications Program

Impacts of Fire

Impacts of Fire

AOS will allow us to better understand the near-surface concentrations of particulate matter.

How Does Air Pollution Impact Human Health?

How Does Air Pollution Impact Human Health?

AOS will inform the understanding of near-surface concentrations of particulate matter.

The Life Cycle of Air Pollutants

The Life Cycle of Air Pollutants

AOS will contribute to the measurements and modeling of particulate matter in the atmosphere.

Volcanoes & AOS

Volcanoes & AOS

AOS will help monitor volcanoes on Earth with spacecraft and suborbital sensors.

Tiny Particles, Big Storms

Tiny Particles, Big Storms

AOS will enhance knowledge of aerosol characteristics, dynamics and variability in the atmosphere.