- Acronyms
Acronyms used on the NASA AOS website.
- AOS Home
The Atmospheric Observing System (AOS) will optimize how we examine links between aerosols, clouds, atmospheric convection, and precipitation and deliver key data for improved forecasts of weather, air quality and climate.
- Applications
View potential enabled applications for monitoring, modeling, or forecasting weather, air quality, climate, disasters, water resources, health and infrastructure.
- At a Glance
Explore the priorities recommended by the science community for the AOS mission.
- Events
Events related to the NASA AOS mission.
- Gallery
Images, movies, and documents relating to the NASA AOS mission.
- Meetings
Meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops.
- Mission Overview
AOS, the Atmosphere Observing System, will study aerosol and cloud processes that drive extreme weather and climate change. A dedicated team from several NASA facilities and partner organizations will develop instruments, build and launch spacecraft, coordinate sub-orbital instruments and operate the new observing system.
- Mission Spaceborne Architecture
Spaceborne architecture for the NASA AOS mission, designed to meet science and applications objectives.
- Mission Suborbital Program
Explore science questions that will drive the AOS suborbital program.
- Mission Team
The AOS mission team: management, science and applications, instrument scientists, systems engineering, ground systems and operations, assurance, engagement, and advisory members.
- News
News related to the NASA AOS mission.
- Science
Key aspects of aerosols and clouds, convection and precipitation, and the coupling between these designated observables.
- Science Measurements
AOS will collect measurements from instruments on spacecraft and sub-orbital platforms to enable improved understanding of atmospheric impacts on climate.
- Science Objectives and Goals
Science objectives and goals for the exploration of potential observing system architectures, their estimated costs, and technical readiness.
- Search
Search page for the NASA AOS mission website.