AOS Applications Seminar: The NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center and a Paradigm for Engaging Stakeholders
Seminar Speakers: Emily Berndt (MSFC/SPoRT), Aaron Naeger (UAH/SPoRT), Anita LeRoy (UAH/SPoRT), and Aaron Jacobs (NOAA NWS), will discuss NASA's SPoRT research and application activities as well as application opportunities relevant to the future AOS mission.
The NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center was established in 2002 at Marshall Space Flight Center and is part of the NASA Earth Science Division's Research and Analysis Program, Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics Focus Area. SPoRT's mission is to experimentally transition unique NASA observations and research capabilities to stakeholders to improve short-term forecasting. SPoRT conducts research in focus areas related to remote sensing, lightning, land surface modeling, tropical meteorology, and health and air quality- developing tools and capabilities based on research and interaction with stakeholders. SPoRT has also partnered with NASA researchers and scientists at other agencies to introduce end users to NASA satellite observations and capabilities. SPoRT established a research-to-operations/operations-to-research paradigm as a framework to transition data to stakeholders with deliberate interaction to tailor products to end users' needs and develop applications-based training. The SPoRT paradigm has been used to successfully transition over 40 satellite datasets and research capabilities to operational users for nearly 20 years and applications-based training concepts have been adopted by other groups nationally and internationally. This presentation will provide an overview of SPoRT and discussion research and applications activities relevant to the future Earth System Observatory Atmosphere Observing System with a focus on health and air quality and passive microwave remote sensing, including examples and presentation from a partner NOAA NWS Senior Service Hydrologist/Meteorologist. SPoRT has maintained a strong relationship between NASA and NOAA, supporting over 30 National Weather Service Offices and National Centers with a focus on application of Aqua and Terra, Global Precipitation Measurement Mission, and Soil Moisture Active Passive, and the new-generation of geostationary satellites. With newer NASA missions such TROPICS (Time Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) and TEMPO (Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution), opportunities have expanded to partner with additional agencies and conduct research and applications relevant to the future AOS mission.