Extending CF Conventions to Enhance data FAIRness for Atmospheric Composition Observations
The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) and Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) are data file formats created to aid users in the creation or use of scientific data. These file formats are useful for handling large data volumes and hosting extensive metadata as global, group, or variable attributes and are popular with the modeling community. HDF and NetCDF files are widely used with atmospheric remote sensing data and have been used to support measurements from numerous field campaigns, from satellite to aircraft or ground and mobile based measurements. The files from airborne field studies, however, vary greatly in terms of the file structure and the amount and content of their metadata. Information relevant to the file that can be useful to the user such as the data producer, location where data was taken, variable descriptions, or information about the instrument might not be included in the file.
Recently, the Measurements of Aerosols, Clouds, and their Interactions for Earth System Models (MACIE) group started a grassroots effort to develop a CF-based template for the HDF and NetCDF files for field studies, with the aim of making the data products more interoperable and usable. This template seeks to make the files more compliant to Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions and to standardize the file structure and the global and variable attributes. The template would help to ensure that HDF and NetCDF files contain adequate metadata to better support their use for research, e.g., the modeling community, and to enhance the usability and interoperability of data for research communities at large. The draft template has been applied to recent field studies for various instruments and their merge files in support of the Atmosphere Observing System (AOS) project. The details of the revised template are to be presented, as well as examples of the implementation of these requirements for merge files and lidar observation data files and issues revealed during the implementation process.