102nd AMS Annual Meeting

January 23-27, 2022
The 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) provides an opportunity to bring together world-class experts on extreme weather and climate with researchers in the fields of water quality/scarcity, energy, food, and health/diseases. AOS science features in a number of talks during this meeting.
Meeting Documents: 14

A Progress Report on the Design of a Dual-Doppler 3D Mobile Ka-Band Rapid-Scanning Volume Imaging Radar for Earth System Science

Author(s): Salazar-Cerreno, J.L., R.D. Palmer, D.J. Bodine, J. McDaniel, C.R. Homeyer, B. Cheong, D. Schvartzman, G.M. McFarquhar, B. Isom, T.Y. Yu, J. Kelly, M. Yeary, M. Kumjian, P. Kollias, P. Kirstetter, S. Tanelli, J. Redemann, M. D. Fromm, C.B. Clements, S.M. Loria-Salazar, A. Shapiro, L. Leon, S.J. Frasier, S.M. Ellis, R. Rodriguez, and F. Miranda
Date: 25-Jan-2022
Clouds play a critical role in the atmosphere by modulating the Earth's radiative balance, deter-mining precipitation location, and intensity, and producing shallow to deep vertical circulations that redistribute heat, moisture, and momentum. Many aspects of cloud processes remain poorly understood, creating large uncertainties in numerical weather prediction (NWP) forecasts and climate models.

Detecting Precipitation Magnitudes with Spaceborne Radars from TRMM to GPM

Author(s): Searls, M., P. Kirstetter and Y. Derin
Date: 26-Jan-2022
Precipitation is a primary source of fresh water, is a component of multiple Earth cycles, and has important impacts from natural hazards. Knowing where and how much precipitation is falling is crucial for understanding Earth's global cycles, predicting natural hazards, and monitoring weather in a changing climate.

Hurricane Laura (2020): A Comparison of Drop Size Distribution Moments Using Ground and Radar Remote Sensing Retrievals

Author(s): Brauer, N.S., A.A. Alford, S.M. Waugh, M.I. Biggerstaff, P. Kirstetter, J.B. Basara, G. Carrie, and D.T. Dawson II
Date: 27-Jan-2022
Hurricane Laura was the strongest hurricane to make landfall in Louisiana since 1969 with maximum sustained winds of 130 knots. An observatory framework comprised of one University of Oklahoma Shared Atmospheric Mobile and Teaching Polarimetric Radar (SPR), three Portable In-situ Precipitation Stations (PIPS) equipped with Parsivel disdrometers, and one NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory Mobile Mesonet were spatially and temporally collocated with two NASA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (GPM DPR) overpasses to provide a unique multi-sensor depiction of particle size distributions and precipitation processes in a tropical cyclone before, during, and after landfall.

Identifying Chemical Aerosol Signatures Using Optical Suborbital Observations: How Much Can Optical Properties Tell Us about Aerosol Composition?

Author(s): Kacenelenbogen, M., K. Froyd, Q. Tan, M. Chin, H. Bian, M.S. Johnson, G.L. Schuster, P. Campuzano-Jost, and J.L. Jimenez
Date: 26-Jan-2022
Improvements in air quality and Earth's climate predictions can only be achieved through improvements of the aerosol speciation in chemical transport models, using observational constraints. Aerosol speciation (e.g., organic aerosols, black carbon, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, dust or sea salt) is typically determined using in situ instrumentation.

Including Cloud Microphysics Uncertainty in Convective Data Assimilation: Stochastic vs Static Parameter Perturbations

Author(s): Posselt, D.J., T. Vukicevic, and A. Stankovich
Date: 24-Jan-2022
It has long been known that model physics uncertainty can contribute as much or more to errors in forecasting and data assimilation as errors in initial conditions. Many studies have attempted to include the effects of model physics uncertainty in data assimilation by introducing static perturbations to model parameters.

Information Content Analysis of Combined Lidar-Polarimeter Retrievals to Improve Aerosol Remote Sensing Accuracy

Author(s): Nowicki, D., F. Xu, L. Gao, G.M. McFarquhar, J. Redemann, and C.J. Flynn
Date: 26-Jan-2022
Aerosols are small particles suspended in the atmosphere which affect radiative forcing via scattering and absorbing sunlight and serving as cloud condensation nuclei. Moreover, the prevalence of some anthropogenic and toxic aerosols has a direct adverse impact on public health.

Observing and Modeling Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption: Bridging the Complexity Gap (Invited Presentation)

Author(s): Redemann, J., R. Wood, P. Zuidema, S. Doherty, A. Dobracki, F. Xu, L. Gao, I. Chang, C.J. Flynn, L.T. Mitchell, S.M. Loria-Salazar, S. LeBlanc, M.S. Kacenelenbogen, M. Segal-Rozenhaimer, K. Pistone, S. Broccardo, K.S. Schmidt, S. Cochrane, A. Sedlac, S. Stamnes, S. Burton, R. Espinosa, A. M. da Silva, R. A. Ferrare, P. Castellanos, B. Cairns, O. Dubovik, N. Schutgens, G.R. Carmichael, P. Saide, and M. Mallet
Date: 24-Jan-2022
Atmospheric aerosol absorption is subject to complex chemical, physical and radiative processes during airmass transport and transformation. Some of these processes are beyond the complexity captured in current models and some of them are equally difficult to constrain with remote sensing observations.

On the Use of Lightning Observations to Retrieve Convective Cloud Properties

Author(s): Lang, T.J., and S. Bang, S. Stough, E. McCaul, P. Gatlin, and C.J. Schultz
Date: 26-Jan-2022
There has long been significant interest in using lightning to retrieve the properties of convective clouds. Recently, the NASA Aerosol, Cloud, Convection and Precipitation (ACCP) Designated Observable (DO) study has identified several geophysical variables of interest to the planned satellite mission (expected launch late 2020s), including ice water path (IWP) and vertical velocity profile, which are known to have physical relationships with lightning behavior.

ParOSSE: A Flexible Parallel Bayesian Framework for Quantifying Uncertainty in Measurements and Retrievals of Clouds and Precipitation

Author(s): Posselt, D.J., B. Wilson, R. Storer, D. Tropf, V. Lall, G. Duffy, and M. Lebsock
Date: 26-Jan-2022
We have developed a scalable flexible parallel system that is capable of rapidly and thoroughly evaluating measurement sufficiency in the design of an observing system.

Predictability of Moist Convection through Thousands Ensemble Convective-Scale Data Assimilation

Author(s): Minamide, M. and D.J. Posselt
Date: 25-Jan-2022
Atmospheric deep moist convection has emerged as one of the most challenging topics for numerical weather prediction, due to its chaotic nature of the development with multi-scale physical interactions. Our recent investigation found that meso-α (2000-200 km) and meso-β (200-20 km) scale initial features helped to constrain the general location of convective system with a few hours of lead time, contributing to enhancing convective activity, but meso-γ (20-2 km) or even smaller scale features with less than 30-minute lead time were identified to be essential for capturing individual convective storms.

Progress toward Establishing a NASA Program of Record Dataset (CLDPROP) for Cloud Properties from MODIS, VIIRS, and Beyond

Author(s): Meyer, K., S. Platnick, R.E. Holz, S. Dutcher, N. Amarasinghe, and A. Heidinger
Date: 24-Jan-2022
As the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) program ages, NOAA's next-generation operational weather satellites are natural successors for extending important climate data records begun by sensors such as MODIS.

The Dark Target Aerosol Project: Long-Term Aerosol Records and GEO-LEO Fusion

Author(s): Levy, R.C., S. Mattoo, P. Gupta, Y. Shi, R.E. Holz, L. Remer, and J. Wei
Date: 24-Jan-2022
The Dark Target (DT) retrieval algorithm was developed for Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to derive aerosol optical depth (AOD) over global land and ocean. Because of its relative simplicity and flexibility, it can theoretically be implemented on any VISisble/Near/Infrared imager with sufficient wavelength information.

The Mobile Rapid-Scan X-Band Polarimetric (RaXPol) Radar as a Community Instrument Facility: Providing High-Temporal Resolution, Dual-Polarization Observations for Atmospheric Science Research and Education

Author(s): Bodine, D.J., T.Y. Yu, P. Kirstetter, H.B. Bluestein, R.D. Palmer, M. Yeary, B. Cheong, and M.D. Tzeng
Date: 25-Jan-2022
The scientific community has strongly advocated for community accessible, weather radar facilities with improved temporal resolution (e.g., volume scans < 1 min) compared to existing National Science Foundation facilities. While rapid-scan radars have been used to study severe thunderstorms and particularly tornadoes, high-temporal resolution data sets of diverse meteorological phenomena remain scarce.

Transportable Phased Array Radar: Meeting Weather Community Needs

Author(s): Palmer, R.D., D.J. Bodine, P. Kirstetter, C. Fulton, M. Yeary, B. Cheong, J. Salazar, T.Y. Yu, M.I. Biggerstaff, H.B. Bluestein, N. Goodman, P. Heinselman, C.R. Homeyer, J. Kelly, D.S. LaDue, E.R. Martin, J. McDaniel, G.M. McFarquhar, A. McGovern, J. Metcalf, J. Redemann, J. Ruyle, A. Ryzhkov, N. Sakaeda, S.T. Salesky, D. Schvartzman, A. Shapiro, H. Sigmarsson, S. Torres, X. Wang, N. Yussouf, L.D. Carey, P. Gatlin, M. Kumjian, L.D. White, S.W. Nesbitt, and A.K. Rowe
Date: 24-Jan-2022
Climate change is drastically increasing the severity and frequency of high-impact weather events, including landfalling hurricanes, floods, hailstorms, heavy snowfall, and drought, with disastrous effects on people's livelihood and ecosystems.