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Media: 30
Get Involved with AOS
08-Mar-2024 | storymap
Get Involved with the AOS Applications Program
Volcanoes & AOS
20-Oct-2023 | storymap
AOS will help monitor volcanoes on Earth with spacecraft and suborbital sensors.
AOS Architecture
10-Oct-2023 | image
Selected architecture for the AOS mission.
AOS Architecture
09-Oct-2023 | image
Selected architecture for the AOS mission.
The Life Cycle of Air Pollutants
23-Sep-2023 | storymap
AOS will contribute to the measurements and modeling of particulate matter in the atmosphere.
How Does Air Pollution Impact Human Health?
08-Sep-2023 | storymap
AOS will inform the understanding of near-surface concentrations of particulate matter.
Impacts of Fire
25-Aug-2023 | storymap
AOS will allow us to better understand the near-surface concentrations of particulate matter.
Tiny Particles, Big Storms
24-Mar-2023 | storymap
AOS will enhance knowledge of aerosol characteristics, dynamics and variability in the atmosphere.
AOS Community Assessment Report
09-Nov-2022 | document
AOS Community Assessment Report
AOS Community Forum - An AOS Status Update
13-Jul-2022 | document
This document provides an overview of the AOS constellation concept and science, including architecture, instruments, applications considerations, and the plan forward for Mission/Projects.
Aerosol, Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Science & Applications
Mar-2022 | document
The ACCP Science Narrative Report covers how ACCP will provide answers to basic questions and related applications that address how these particle suspensions influence our weather, climate and environment.
What Are Aerosols?
05-Nov-2021 | image
Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the atmosphere that have great importance for the quality of the air we breathe, as well as playing a role in cloud formation and evolution, affecting the warming and cooling of our planet.
What is a Hydrometeor?
05-Nov-2021 | image
A hydrometeor is a product of condensation or deposition of atmospheric water vapor, whether formed in the free atmosphere or at the earth's surface; also, any water particle blown by the wind from the earth's surface.
The Atmosphere Observing System
22-Oct-2021 | movie
The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS) is building an observing system designed to meet society's needs.
Weather, Air Quality, and Climate Modeling and Forecasting
08-Sep-2021 | image
Landscape illustration for the identification of science objectives.
Earth System Observatory
07-Sep-2021 | movie
NASA will design a new set of Earth-focused missions to provide key information to guide efforts related to climate change, natural hazard mitigation, fighting forest fires, and improving real-time agricultural processes. Each uniquely designed satellite in the Earth System Observatory will complement the others, working in tandem to create a 3D, holistic view of Earth, from bedrock to atmosphere.
ACCP/AOS Community Forum
29-Jul-2021 | document
This document provides an overview of the AOS mission concept and science, including architecture, instruments, applications considerations, and the plan forward for Mission/Projects.
RTI Report: Non Traditional User Needs for Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
Jun-2021 | document
RTI International, working with the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Applications Team, conducted this study to capture the needs and priorities of nonresearch Earth observation (EO) data users who may be future users of ACCP data.
Science and Applications Traceability Matrix (May 2021)
31-May-2021 | document
ACCP provides transformative space-based and suborbital observations of essential cloud, precipitation and aerosol processes, leading to improved predictions of weather, air quality, and climate for the benefit of society.
NASA’s New Fleet of Satellites Will Offer Insights into the Wild Cards of Climate Change
05-May-2021 | document
NASA is about to announce its next generation of Earth-observing satellites. As soon as this month, it will lay out preliminary plans for a multibillion-dollar set of missions that will launch later this decade.
ACCP Designated Observable Multi-Center Architecture Study Team
26-Feb-2021 | document
This document summarizes the ACCP Study Team including study leads, sponsors, the partner management board, teams, and working groups.
Architecture Recommendation Review (ARR)
05-Feb-2021 | document
The top 3 architectures. These architectures provide multiple breakthrough technologies that will answer fundamental questions about how microscopic particles interact in the atmosphere to fuel severe storms, impact air quality, and influence our changing climate.
2020 NASA GPM-ACCP Transport and Logistics Workshop
02-Nov-2020 | movie
The GPM-ACCP Transport and Logistics Workshop focused on current applications and future opportunities of NASA precipitation and cloud data products to support transport and logistical activities for aviation, maritime, roads and highway transportation systems.
ACCP Designated Observable Multi-Center Architecture Study: ACCP Quarterly Community Forum
22-Jun-2020 | document
This document summarizes the ACCP Study status, ACCP science, ACCP architectures, and the plan forward for community engagement opportunities, and includes remarks from the Independent Science Community Committee.
ACCP Designated Observable Multi-Center Architecture Study: ACCP Architecture Reference Document
17-Jun-2020 | document
This document provides a summary of the 45 Observing Systems that have been constructed to date and identifies the 9 architectures undergoing deeper study.
ACCP Designated Observable Multi-Center Architecture Study: ACCP Study Plan & Schedule
17-Jun-2020 | document
This document summarizes the ACCP study status and progress for June/July 2020. Major work areas in progress include the Lidar Special Study, JAXA Special Studies, the CDC #5, and SATM development.
Earth System Predictability R&D: Proceedings of a Workshop in Brief
04-Jun-2020 | document
On June 4-5, 2020, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine hosted a workshop on Earth system predictability research and development. An earlier community roundtable discussion informed the themes of the workshop, which was designed to explore opportunities for key research and development activities that would be most valuable with regard to understanding fundamental, theoretical limits of Earth system predictability.
Aerosols and Cloud-Convection Precipitation (A-CCP) Study
16-Jul-2018 | document
In response to NASA's Designated Observables Guidance for Multi-Center Study Plans released on June 1, 2018, GSFC, LaRC, JPL, MSFC, GRC and ARC submit this Study Plan to the NASA Earth Science Division for the Aerosol (A) and Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation (CCP) Pre-formulation Study (A-CCP).
A Decadal Strategy for Earth Observation from Space
05-Jan-2018 | document
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the present decadal survey and its key findings and recommendations.
Human Induced Versus Naturally Occurring Aerosols
19-Feb-2009 | movie
This animation juxtaposes ocean clouds and city clouds. Both zoom to the particle-detail level to show the difference in aerosol particle number and back out to show that clouds over oceans are taller and darker than those over cities.