The AOS Project hosted a virtual Community Forum on May 17, 2023, from 10 am to 1 pm Eastern. The agenda included status updates from NASA HQ, AOS Project Management, Science, and Applications, and descriptions of AOS remote sensing capabilities, including international contributions. Please email for more information.
Presentation 1: AOS Status and Path Forward
Speaker: Jason Hair, AOS Project Manager
Presentation 2: Atmosphere Observing System (AOS): Science Status
Scott Braun, NASA GSFC, AOS Project Scientist (PS)
John Yorks, NASA GSFC, Deputy PS for Inclined
Tyler Thorsen, NASA LaRC, Deputy PS for Polar
Daniel Cecil, NASA MSFC, Deputy for Suborbital
Presentation 3: The Multi-angle Polarimeter
Kirk Knobelspiesse, Instrument scientist
Dustyn Strosnider, Instrument manager
Bill Cook, Passive instrument systems engineering lead
Reed Espinosa, Aerosol algorithm lead
Matt Lebsock, Cloud algorithm lead and the rest of the AOS Project and Science team
Presentation 4: AOS Cloud-Sensitive Radar Status
Matt L. Walker McLinden/GSFC, RF Payload Systems Engineer
Jeff Piepmeier/GSFC, Deputy Project Manager
Scott Braun/GSFC, Project Scientist
Pavlos Kollias/Stony Brook University, AOS Radar Working Group
Walt Petersen/MSFC, AOS Radar Working Group
Presentation 5: AOS Polar Microwave Radiometer
Ian S. Adams, GSFC, Instrument Scientist
Matthew Walker McLinden, GSFC, RF Payload SE
Sarah Ringerud, GSFC, Algorithm Coordination
Jie Gong, GSFC, Ice Algorithm Lead
Lisa Milani, ESSIC/GSFC, Science
Yuli Liu, UMBC, Algorithm Support